Iran in Space

25 02 2007

The BBC is reporting that

Iranian media say the country has successfully launched its first rocket capable of reaching space.

If true, this is sure to ruffle more than a few feathers around the world.   The possibility of them straping a nuclear weapon to the end of one of these is what is frightening to many.

I’ve always felt a bit of sympathy for aspiring nuclear countries.  Maybe it is because I’ve a general disdain for bullies.  I’ve never bought into the logic that it is ok for the United States to have the largest nuclear arsenal in the world (capable of destroying the world, many, many times over) and then tell other countries they better not even try to obtain them.  On top of that, the United States remains the only country to have used a nuclear weapon – and we don’t have such a great track record as far as nonviolence is concerned.  We invaded Iraq for practically no reason – why should Iran feel safe?

All I’m saying is that if I were Iran, I’d want nuclear weapons.  We should be setting the example, not being the biggest bully in the world.

Freedom From Religion Foundation vs. Bush

23 02 2007

Next week the United States Supreme Court will hear the case of the Freedom From Religion Foundation vs. Presiden’t Bushes Faith Based Initiatives Program. 

The court will decide whether taxpayers can sue over federal funding that the foundation believes promotes religion. It could be a major ruling for groups that fight to keep church and state separate.

“What’s at stake is the right to challenge the establishment of religion by the government,” Gaylor said.

Story.  Stay tuned for the outcome.

False Intellectualism and Religious Propaganda

22 02 2007

A prominent theologian responds to Richard Dawkins’ book The God Delusion.  Rather, he responds to what he wants The God Delusion to say.  Taking things Dawkins says out of context and refuting them is not only intellectually dishonest, but it is embarrassing.  I’m not saying Dawkins wrote a perfect book or that his arguments are flawless – but I would implore someone to debate his arguments, not their straw-men.

You can listen to the audio here.  The comments also have some good reading.

Jesus was a rape baby . . .

22 02 2007

CNN has this story of a florida college student who called police after she was raped.  The police promplty arrested her on an old warrent and had her spend the night in jail where they denied her the morning after pill (the second dose, due to one person’s religious objections). 

Which one is it?  Does god love rape babies or does he hate raped girls?

Rationality Evidently not what Americans look for in a President

20 02 2007

Sadly No had these interesting statistics:


It’s clear that this had a few candidates in particular in mind.  Barak Obama is black, they say Clinton is a woman, and Rudolph Juliani has been married 3 times.  I’m atheistic and I know some gay people, but none of us are running for president.  Yet.

That About Sums it up . . .

15 02 2007

Nina Berman took this photograph of a wedding couple, who got married after the groom returned from Iraq, after surviving a suide bombing.  It’s an interesting story and you can read about it here.

Senator Al Franken

15 02 2007

Al Franken is running for a seat in the Senate.  You can see his website here.  I hope he wins.  I also hope his career as a comedian hasn’t killed his chances of getting some cross-over votes.

Quote of the Day – Bertrand Russell

12 02 2007

Patriots always talk of dying for their country but never of killing for their country.

Bertrand Russell

Quote of the Day – Bertrand Russell

10 02 2007

Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons.

Bertrand Russell

Quote of the Day – E.T. Babinski

7 02 2007

My spell-checker lacks the word ‘creationism’ in its dictionary, so each time that word is encountered, an alternative pops up at the bottom of my screen, ‘cretinism’

E.T. Babinski

The Cure for Homosexuality

7 02 2007

Ted Haggard has announced that he is now completely, 100%, unquestionably – heterosexual.  Story here.  I don’t even know where to begin – obviously, I’m not one to think that homosexuality is something that can or should be cured – for a cure implies a disease.  While Ted Haggard’s sexual orientation holds very little importance to me in the long run, all I can say is:

He may no longer be gay, but I bet you he’s still an ass. 

Quote of the Day – Socrates

7 02 2007

The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.


Fighting the Good Fight

6 02 2007

One night I found myself particularly angry with the evangelicals and posted a question to the forums at asking if anyone had any ideas on what one can do to fight ignorance.  The responses are worth reading.  It also inspired a rant, which is posted below.

I am not sure what I can do. As far as arguing with theists online – I’ve found that to be a complete waste of my time – it is fundamentally impossible to argue with someone who has abandoned reason when forming their ideas.

I’m no good with kids, but I agree that in the schools is where this battle will ultimately be fought. The cure for ignorance is education. I don’t believe however that all education happens in schools. Somehow our culture has developed into one of tolerance – we are, as a nation, complacent when it comes to ignorance.

The United States should be turning out the best and the brightest – but somehow we’ve managed to acquire a president who can’t churn out one logical argument to save his life.

In the end it isn’t religion I wish to fight. I don’t want to fight at all. What I want to do is encourage; I want to encourage a culture of critical thinking.

I look to a day when Plato replaces the Bible as the means to an informed and fulfilled existence.

I asked my original question to a friend of mine, who suggested that I get involved in local politics – to make sure that the voice of reason is never left out of any debate. I think I just might do that.

I heard an interview on NPR recently with Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra (a documentary film maker) in which Alexandra expressed admiration for Evangelicals because they don’t just believe something – they take action. From standing on a street corner handing out flyers, to going door to door, to educational events held all over the country – the evangelicals are mobilizing.

“What a difference we could make,” I thought, “if we could organize like that and be as active in the communities.” But then I realized that our position is not as simple as that. The evangelicals talk about issues like evolution/creation as if it is a perfectly fine thing to debate, a battle of two valid ideas. Sometimes I feel like I’m arguing with someone who is trying to convince me that 2 + 2 = 36. Why aren’t we out on the street corners? Because we shouldn’t have to be. Because we wouldn’t go out to pass out flyers with 2+2=4 written on them.

The creationists pick and choose which science to use as evidence for their beliefs, and which science to discard. Because of the inclusive, cumulative nature of science all new evidence modifies the working theories developed by the previous evidence. This nature means that you can’t pick and choose. You can’t ignore evidence that doesn’t fit your theory. Therefore if a creationist does not accept evolution, they can not accept any scientific theory because they have abandoned the most fundamental aspect of science – its inclusive nature.

It is only natural that we defend science when it is attacked – but I’m starting to feel that (in the United States at least) we are nearing the critical line. This line represents the point at which we must go on the offensive to survive. Our defenses are holding, but we will constantly be under attack if we do not eradicate the enemy entirely.

This eradication will be slow – it can only be done via a cultural shift – one that moves us away from accepting without reasoning. Our tremendous ability to reason is perhaps our greatest attribute – it is what separates us from the animals. Perhaps it is no coincidence, then, that a popular religious movement today refers to their god as a shepherd, and themselves as sheep.

My apologies for the rant – I guess I’m just wishing for this cultural movement to move as fast as it can – we shouldn’t have to worry about the future of reason.


Anyone out there have any great ideas on how to take the offensive?

John Edwards and Universal Healthcare

5 02 2007 has a video of John Edwards explaining his plan for universal health-care.

It is too bad he doesn’t stand a chance. Universal health care can work – and it’s a crime that we’re not trying.

Quote of the Day – Thomas Jefferson

2 02 2007

Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.

Thomas Jefferson