Richard Dawkins on Fresh Air

28 03 2007

Terry Gross interviewed Richard Dawkins today.  You can listen to the interview here.  I’ll have my thoughts on it, as soon as I get a chance to listen to it.

Update –

I’ve listened to it, and found that it was fairly interesting, although nothing I haven’t heard before.  If you don’t know much about Richard Dawkins, it is worth a listen.  Tonight Terry will interview the evangelical christian who ran the Human Genome Project.

Best Website Ever – Free Porn

28 03 2007

In a feeble attempt to win prizes, I’m putting a link to a website HERE in hopes that you click on it.  There’s no porn.  It is, however, a good tech blog.

Russia Sees Attack on Iran

28 03 2007

I’m making absolutely no claims as to the validity of this report, but Russian Intelligence is reporting a build up of US Armed Forces along the Iranian border – presumably in lieu of an attack.

“The latest military intelligence data point to heightened U.S. military preparations for both an air and ground operation against Iran,” the official said, adding that the Pentagon has probably not yet made a final decision as to when an attack will be launched.

You can read about it here.  I would like to think that even the current President isn’t that stupid.

Objectivity in Public School Bible Classes

27 03 2007

Time magazine has an interesting article about teaching the Bible in high schools.  The article does a decent job of covering most of the issues surrounding this issue, but also misses some things.

The author seems to get a little confused when talking about the Bible as literature, and even goes so far as to claim: 

Without the Bible and a few imposing secular sources, we face a numbing horizontality in our culture–blogs, political announcements, ads. The world is flat, sure. But Scripture is among our few means to make it deep.

Which, you guessed it, is perhaps the most rediculous sentance writen, ever.  If the author finds culture flat outside of the bible, perhaps the author would benifit from getting out more.

Beyond that, the article talks about the different sides of having a class on the Bible in public schools, wether or not it could be objective, and all that jazz.  One possible solution that it does not come outright and suggest however, is that a study of the bible in any public highschool should be done only as part of perhaps a comparitive religion class – something that focuses on more than just one subject. 

There are no other classes that you can take in highschool, electives or otherwise, that study just one book.  This kind of in-depth study is usually undertaken in college and graduate school, so why are we trying to do a half-assed job of it at the highschool level?

Biased Studies

27 03 2007

The Daily Texan has an opinion piece written by David Horowitz that is a read if you have nothing better to do and doing nothing is not an option.  It concerns the supposed ‘liberal bias’ in places of higher education – specifically, the University of Texas. 

While it is true that the more education you have the more likely you are to be liberal – I find it hard to believe that their is a liberal bias in most universities. 

Full disclosure:  I did graduate from perhaps one of the most liberal colleges in the country, Reed College, whose school motto was, “Communism, Atheism, & Free Love”.

Anyway, Mr. Horowitz is concerned that the University of Texas is teaching such liberal ideas as, you know, gender equality. 

Among the departments and programs at UT that are parties to this scam are the Communicat-ions Studies Department, the Center for Women’s and Gender Studies and the Division of Rhetoric and Writing. Space only permits a glimpse of the problem.

Alright, so I may be reading a little too much in to his idea that these departments teach leftist politics, not academics.  But the truth is, until he takes the courses, he’s not really in a position to comment about their content.  Respectable universities would not allow so called indoctrination to exist in their classrooms. 

One problem that has become all too prevalent today is that of people confusing opinion and fact.  Too many people are holding on to opinions that have no basis in fact or reality (we’ll use Intelligent Design as an example).  An unbiased investigation is one that looks at all the facts, all the evidence, and proceeds from there.  It would be counter-productive for any investigator to consider every possible explanation regardless of evidence in an effort to be ‘unbiased’. 

When investigating the origin of life on earth, we certainly arn’t going to hold everything while we look into the creation myths of every religion that has ever existed.  We will look at the evidence we have, and go where it leads us. 

That being said, there can exist legitimate academic studies of specific opinions.  I.E. one can study the feminist movement, the evangelical christian movement, whatever – these studies arn’t indoctrinations. 

This is what Mr. Horowitz evidently doesn’t understand.  Maybe instead of criticizing the University of Texas, he should enroll.

Quote of the Day – Theodore Roosevelt

27 03 2007

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.

Theodore Roosevelt

Sinéad O’Conner and the Pope walk into a bar . . .

27 03 2007

From this site, discussing people who have been banned from Saturday Night Live:

 * Sinéad O’Connor was banned from appearing on SNL again after her peformance on October 3, 1992. In her second set of the show, she performed an a cappella version of Bob Marley’s “War”. During the word “evil”, she picked up a picture of Pope John Paul II, ripped it up, and shouted, “Fight the real enemy!” Dave Wilson immediately turned off the “applause” cue and the audience reacted with complete silence. NBC received many complaints about this within a matter of minutes. At the end of the show, host Tim Robbins, who was raised Catholic, refused to give O’Connor the customary “thanks” for being the musical guest. [3].

Note: To this day, NBC refuses to lend out the footage of the performance to any media outlet, and they edited out the incident from the syndicated version of the episode, replacing it with footage from the dress rehearsal taped earlier in the evening. It was finally released in 2003, with an explanation from Lorne Michaels, on Disc 4 of the Saturday Night Live – 25 Years of Music DVD set.

RIP: Child Online Protection Act

22 03 2007

Passed in 1998, the Child Online Protection Act required providers of ‘adult’ content on the Internet to require proof of age before allowing access to any user.  It was struck down today by a federal judge in Philadelphia. 

 Putting the burden of proof of age on the shoulders of the websites is a ridiculous insult to free speech.  Overturning the law means that the burden falls back onto the shoulders of the parents (I know, shocking concept right?). 

Any attempt to censor free speech is a violation of the Constitution, regardless of whether or not it is shrouded in the guise of protecting our children. 

NYT article.


16 03 2007

from Wikipedia:

Cryptomnesia, or “concealed recollection,” is the name for a theoretical phenomenon involving suppressed or ‘forgotten’ memories. It refers to cases where (apparently) a person believes that he or she is creating or inventing something new, such as a story, poem, artwork, or joke, but is actually recalling a similar or identical work which he or she has previously encountered. According to the theory of cryptomnesia, the person is not engaging in plagiarism, but is rather experiencing a memory as if it were inspiration.

I’m a believer despite the lack of scientific evidence simply because I’ve experienced it.  I’m sure many people have had a similar experience where you write something and than later go back to it and realize that it came from somewhere else.  Memories in the mind are like water in the ocean. 

Search Terms

14 03 2007

Here is a list of the search terms that directed people to this blog so far today, and yesterday.

shaved monkey

studies honor system coffee club

Felege Ghion

becoming a gay prostitute

quotes politics of fear

homosexual lions

american ignorance

evolution and morality

fear, ignorance

censorship causes ignorance

don’t depend on God

evolution religion byproduct

chekhov homosexuality

Rudolph Juliani

No man ever believes that the Bible mean

fear and ignorance articles

fear based on ignorance events

Fear based on Ignorance articles


felege ghion international

Shaved monkeys, becoming gay prostitutes, and Rudolph Juliani – classy right?

Add General Pace to the List of High-Ranking Biggots

13 03 2007

From the NYT:

WASHINGTON, March 13 — Gen. Peter Pace, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, declined today to apologize for saying that he believes homosexuality is “immoral” and that he therefore supports the ban on gay men and lesbians serving openly in the military.

Now Gen. Pace has the right to the believe the religious idea that homosexuality is “immoral”.  It makes him a fucking idiot, but he also has the right to be a fucking idiot.  What he explicitly does not have the right to is try to impose his religious beliefs on the US military.  That’s in the constitution. 

Many, Many Flags.

13 03 2007

Some students at Reed College in Portland, OR thought that they might put a white flag in the lawn for every 6 Iraqis killed in the war and a red flag for every one US serviceman.  So they did.  It is hard to tell from the photographs, but being familiar with the campus I can say that these flags surround the main building in the pictures (Elliott Hall) on all sides.  Skim through the photos here – it kinda puts things in perspective.

Fox News Responsible for 9/11?

12 03 2007

I hate news channels that use headlines that end in a question mark.  It says to me, “we’re making this ridiculous claim, but it’s OK because we’re only asking.” 

Here‘s a link to some screen captures of fox news and stuff they’ve put on the air.  No really, they actually did broadcast this stuff. 

I think you shouldn’t be able to call yourself a news channel unless you stick to, you know, news.

From Vermont, With Love

8 03 2007

We the people have the power — and the responsibility — to remove executives who transgress not just the law, but the rule of law.The oaths that the President and Vice President take binds them to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” The failure to do so forms a sound basis for articles of impeachment.

The President and Vice President have failed to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution” in the following ways:

1. They have manipulated intelligence and misled the country to justify an immoral, unjust, and unnecessary preemptive war in Iraq.

2. They have directed the government to engage in domestic spying without warrants, in direct contravention of U.S. law.

3. They have conspired to commit the torture of prisoners, in violation of the Federal Torture Act and the Geneva Convention.

4. They have ordered the indefinite detention without legal counsel, without charges and without the opportunity to appear before a civil judicial officer to challenge the detention — all in violation of U.S. law and the Bill of Rights.

When strong evidence exists of the most serious crimes, we must use impeachment — or lose the ability of the legislative branch to compel the executive branch to obey the law.

George Bush has led our country to a constitutional crisis, and it is our responsibility to remove him from office.;_ylt=Ap4l.wIJTvGAHRaQgcB.ByMDW7oF

I Can’t Believe Ann Coulter is Allowed to Speak

8 03 2007

Ann Coulter is up to her old tricks again.  Well, they’re not so much tricks as ignorant, bigoted, slurs.  The tricky part is that she is trying to pass it off as political commentary. 

This time she has announced that John Edwards is a “faggot”. 

 As far as I’m concerned she can insult John Edwards all she wants, he’s not going to win anyway.  The problem here is that she seems to think it is OK to use such language as what she later referred to as a, “schoolyard taunt”. 

When I think schoolyard taunt, I think something along the lines of, “John Edwards is a poo-poo head.”  In fact, I find very few similarities between my rhetoric and that of David Duke.

If Ann Coulter insists on being a bigoted asshole, she should at least have the common decency to at least be respectful, blah blah blah blah.

But really, she shouldn’t even be that fucking ignorant.  How was this person allowed to live to her age with such completely repulsive beliefs?  How has she been allowed to publish a column in over 100 newspapers and become a frequent guest on Cable “news” outfits like Fox News?  What the hell is wrong with this country?  What the hell is wrong with the American people?  What the hell is wrong with YOU!?

There’s a reason that the head of the KKK doesn’t have a syndicated column in the New York Times.  It is because as a society we have decided that while speech is and should be free, there is also such a thing as useful discourse.  Discourse can only be useful if it is civil.  Name calling and mud slinging help no one and do nothing more than waste time. 

And as my grandmother used to say, “If you don’t have something intelligent to say, SHUT THE FUCK UP!”