ACORN, The Mouse, and Republican Asshats

23 10 2008
Hi, Im Mickey Mouse, and Im here to vote!

Hi, I'm Mickey Mouse, and I'm here to vote!

 So the republicans are raising such a stink about this ACORN business – but what occurs to me is this:  having “mickey mouse” on a registration form doesn’t really matter unless he actually shows up to vote.  Here are some other opinions:

Colin Powell Endoreses Barack Obama

20 10 2008

Colin Powell is one of those rare politicians that I don’t always agree with but whom I respect a good deal.  And as Chris Rock says, “he speaks so well”.

Sarah Palin and Spiritual Warfare

18 10 2008

Here’s some footage of churches that Sarah Palin has been affiliated with:

evidently I can’t embed vimeo videos . . . .

This from the Huffington post:

Sarah Palin’s churches are actively involved in a resurgent movement that was declared heretical by the Assemblies of God in 1949. This is the same ‘Spiritual Warfare’ movement that was featured in the award winning movie, “Jesus Camp,” which showed young children being trained to do battle for the Lord. At least three of four of Palin’s churches are involved with major organizations and leaders of this movement, which is referred to as The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit or the New Apostolic Reformation. The movement is training a young “Joel’s Army” to take dominion over the United States and the world.

He’s an Arab

15 10 2008

Presidential Candidate Debate Part the Third

15 10 2008

Why is John McCain blinking so much?  He looks like he just downed 6 shots of espresso.  Maybe he’s trying to look perky.

More thoughts to come . . . I know, you’re excited.

Seriously, McCain is creeping me out.  The debate has been pretty predicatble so far . . . but dear god someone get the man some eyedrops.

Why doesn’t anyone talk about how one of the main problems with health insurance in this country is that it is too expensive – and that it doesn’t need to be . . . bring the costs down god damn it.

And if McCain doesn’t shut up about Joe I’m going to shoot someone.  It might be you, so you’d better hope he shuts up about joe.

I love me some cavelier activity.

If you’re not village people, you’re not gay.

15 10 2008

What ignorant asshat made this ad?  I mean really . . .

Only 100 days left – Bush is almost gone.

12 10 2008

Although I don’t underestimate his ability to fuck more shit up in those 100 days.

I don’t want to sound like a racist but . . .

11 10 2008

Newsflash:  If you ever feel the need to qualify something you’re about to say by explaining that you’re not a racist:   YOU ARE A RACIST.

There has been a lot of coverage this political season about the importance of the hispanic vote and everytime a news outlet does a story about it (which seems like 3 a day) they interview some asshat who says something to the effect of, “I’m no racist but . . .”  before saying something like “I hate mexicans”.  Or maybe it isn’t that obvious – they’ll say, “I don’t want to sound like I’m racist but I get so uncomfortable that there are so many of those people around.”

Yeah, I know.

Sweet jesus.  Even if the Obama is elected president, we’re still a bunch of racist assholes.

I like this picture because eggs hatch into chicks, and chicks are cute.  Chicks grow up to be chickens, and theyre delicious.

I like this picture because eggs hatch into chicks, and chicks are cute. Chicks grow up to be chickens, and they're delicious.


11 10 2008

Would also be good if there was a little guy riding it.

McCain/Palin ’08

9 10 2008

These people convinced me that McCain is the only safe choice.

Enough said.

The Presidential Candidate Debate Part the Second

7 10 2008

I’m watching the debate now, which is live, so you might say I’m live blogging the debate.  For those of you who have access to my site but not to the debate itself, never fear, I’ll sum it up:

Tom Brokaw:  Hi.  I’m a tool.  I’m going to mostly stick to the rules.  I’m not going to try to facilitate anything other than spin.

The Obama:  Now look . . . I’m going to play it safe and not say anything controversial – which means i’ll say nothing of substance.  So if John McCain wants to have a debate about me selling out than that’s a debate I’m willing to have.  That’s important for us to understand.

John McCain:  My friends, he hates america.  That’s not what i’m about my friends.  I love america, like you, my friends.

Random hack from the audience:  I . . uh . . . uhm . . well . . . there’s this thing . . . gas prices . . . why. . . you both. . . ?

In other news, the Obama is wearing an American flag lapel pin, while John McCain is not.  John McCain is also evidently left handed . . . and we know what they say about left handed people.  (Well, at least I hope you do, because I don’t.)  They did manage to fill the audience with people who don’t have anything interesting to ask . . . which is great combined with the fact that they evidently all suffer from a fear of public speaking.  But what do you expect, it is being hosted by a christian university (i know, that’s kind of an oxymoron isn’t it).

God I hate this.  What is wrong with an interviewer/audience participant/debate moderator saying to the candidate, “you didn’t answer the question” or “that’s horribly vague, can you be more specific?” or “according to this fact cheker you’re misrepresenting your opponent’s position”?

The only reason these candidates behave like middle schoolers running for class president is because we fucking let them.  When everything they say is an exageration, a missrepresentaion, or an outright lie – why do we let them?  Is it because we want to be lied to?  It must be, because I really don’t know why else we would let them get away with this bullshit.

Here they are, laughing at us for letting them get away with saying nothing.

Here they are, laughing at us for letting them get away with saying nothing.

Sarah Palin Still Uses Hotmail

3 10 2008

And other things that make her that guy.

Fox News – Fair and Balanced

1 10 2008

This about sums it up: